On Tuesday, March 1, Holy Cross Monastery in Wayne, WV welcomed home its founder, Hieromonk Kallistos (Pazalos). Since the monastery’s relocation from House Springs, MO to the hills of West Virginia, it has been the dream of the brotherhood to reinter Fr. Kallistos at the new monastery property, so that its founder will at last be at rest amongst the brethren of the monastery that he founded.
On Monday, March 1, Fr. Kallistos’ remains were disinterred and carefully relocated to the monastery, where Fr. Kallistos was greeted by the hermitage brotherhood amidst ringing bells and icons carried in procession, led by monastery abbot Archimandrite Seraphim (Voepel).
At the gravesite, Fr. Seraphim led the entire monastic community in singing a panihida for Fr. Kallistos. The abbot was co-served by monastery clergy: Hieromonks Andrew (O’Leary), Hilarion (Heagy), and Gabriel (Hooten), Archdeacon Sergius (Wilson), and Hierodeacon Paisios (Laiblin).
A memorial repast followed that evening in honor of Hieromonk Kallistos.
Wayne, WV: Remains of Hieromonk Kallistos transferred to Holy Cross Monastery - 03/01/16
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