The first benevolent Russian Ball will be held on November 11 at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Miami Beach, FL. The Russian Autumn Ball is being organized by two missionary-educational organizations – the Prince Vladimir Youth Association and the Patriarch Tikhon Russian-American Music (PaTRAM) Institute, whose goals include the advancement of professional singing in the Russian Orthodox Church in North America and the education of a new generation of singers and conductors; the organizations hope to unite young people in the Diaspora through strengthening a national self-awareness of their historic homeland through the culture and traditions of Holy Rus’.
All proceeds from the Russian Autumn Ball will benefit the benevolent programs of the Prince Vladimir Youth Association and the Patriarch Tikhon Russian-American Music Institute, including organizing master-classes in Russia on spiritual singing for choristers of the Russian Diasporan parishes, youth concerts in other countries, pilgrimages and work trips, youth conferences and symposia, the realization of projects to provide aid to the needy, elderly, and shut-ins; providing aid to churches and monasteries in the U.S. and Russia; and promoting publishing work.
The Russian Ball will be a notable cultural event on the Southeast coast of the U.S. The program will be arranged such that Americans will be able to acquaint themselves with the power and beauty of Russian culture, while guests from Russia can enjoy yet another graphical location to host a Russian Ball. The Ball will feature Russian classical and modern works, as well as pieces of Latin American music.
Organizers hope that the Ball will become an annual tradition. More information about the program and purchasing tickets is available the website of the Russian Autumn Ball (link in Russian).