On July 9-11, St. Xenia’s Church in Methuen, MA is organizing a Vacation Church School for approximately 35 children. The summer school has been taking place for over five years and is a continuation of the Sunday school which recently concluded the school year with 46 students ranging from 4-18 years of age.
Besides religion classes and social activities, the Vacation Church School will offer choir classes that are specially designed for children. "Our choir conductor Laryssa Doohovskoy has worked with the children this winter to form a children’s choir, and now she will prepare them to sing parts of the Vigil and Sunday Liturgy,” said Matushka Anna Crowley.
The Vacation Church School is primarily geared toward the children of the parish, but enrollment is open to all. In the words of Matushka Anna, this has proved to be a helpful tool for the parish to increase its missionary outreach. "Last year, we had a woman come to the summer program with her two children, and this past Lent they were all baptized and are now full members of our Church."
For more information about the Vacation Church School at St. Xenia’s Church, please contact the parish by clicking here.